Updated: 27 Jul 2012


All IOCT projects are either interdisciplinary (applying the methods from one discipline to another), multidisciplinary (teams from various disciplines combining to investigate a research question) or transdisciplinary (across and beyond all disciplines). We have two broad research themes: 'Quality of Life' and 'Cultural Horizons'.

Projects may be funded from a range of sources, including research councils, government agencies, industry and charities. The IOCT has extensive facilities and equipment including a Usability Lab that is available for both academic and commercial research. We welcome enquiries about PhD study.

The IOCT has staged several academic conferences and has a collection of internal publications.

We started the Creative Coffee Club, a meetup and networking event in Leicester and London to look at creativity and innovation in the workplace.

We also own an island in Second Life which is used for research and social interaction (contact the Director for permission to visit).

For further information about IOCT projects, please contact:
Dr Tracy Harwood, Institute of Creative Technologies
De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH
Tel: (+44) 0116 207 8028
Email: tharwood [at] dmu.ac.uk

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