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Updated: 22 Mar 2012

IOCT Masters Alumni


Masters Students '07-'08 with the Course Leader Masters Students '07-'08 with the Director of the IOCT Masters Students '07-'08 Andy Warrington Ben Harvey Dave Dhonau Matthew Fedak Zoe Allman Matthew and Ben

Alumni Destinations

Graduates from the programme have secured employment in a range of different sectors and companies, including Creative Specialist and Technology Sector Retail Management (Apple), Product Development (Activ), Web Design (Proterra Ltd), Media Production (ITV), and Programming (NESTA) Graduates from the programme also set-up businesses in creative industries and digital media, including web design, photography and video editing, film-making, screen and new media technologies and music composition and production. A number of our graduates have also secured doctoral scholarships around the World to further their specialist interests in areas such as augmented reality, mimetic digital games, digital art, mixed-reality technologies for second language learning, Web Collider and amplified reality. We also welcome graduates who wish to develop their interests as part of PhD studies at the IOCT.


Freelance Composers, Freelance film director, Musician and film-maker, Freelance Artist (Screen and New Media Technologies), Web Designer (Activ), Freelance Photographer and Video Editor, Web Design (Fishbulb/ owners).

Art Centres and Design

Online Media Centre Developer (Phoenix Arts), Creative Specialist (Apple Inc), Web Developer (Leicester Square), Creative (Apple), Product Developer (Activ), Apple Store Leader Program (Apple Retail), Web Designer (Proterra Ltd), VT Library (ITV).

Academia and Research

Music Technology lecturer (De Montfort University), PhD at the Institute of Creative Technologies (Transdisciplinary Research Methodologies), MPhil at Royal College of Art (Communication Art and Design), Media Technology Lecturer (De Montfort University), PhD Experimental Psychology of Music and Rhythm (Open University), Max/MSP programmer (NESTA), Part-Time Lecturer Digital Audio (De Montfort University), PhD Mimetic Digital Games (Nottingham Trent University), PhD Candidate (National Chiao Tung University, Taiwan), Flash Developer, Freelance Artist and Researcher (Faculty of Technology, De Montfort University), PhD Candidate mixed-reality technologies for second language learning (Nottingham University), Programmer DARBS Project (De Montfort University), Web Developer, (Leicester Square Ltd), PhD Web Collider (IOCT at De Montfort University), PhD Amplified Reality (University of Tasmania, Australia), Distance Learning Designer (Fac. Health and Life Sciences, De Montfort University).

Alumni Profiles

Click student pictures for profiles:


Listen here to the interview to Demon FM given by the former student Mathew Mortel

For further information or to be kept informed about the IOCT Masters, please contact:
Dr Sophy Smith
Institute of Creative Technologies
De Montfort University, The Gateway, Leicester, LE1 9BH
Tel: (+44) 0116 255 1551, ext. 6864
Email: SSmith05 [at]

Class of 2012-13

Class of 2011-12

Class of 2010-11

Class of 2009-10

Class of 2008-09

Class of 2007-08